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stardate Monday, May 5, 2014, 2AM: smelling flowers before seeing them, hearing the water before seeing it #nightpowers
stardate may 6 11:11 PM: I worked all day and will still fail
May 8

These pigeons do not care about the history of modern architecture and neither do I
May 9

All my homework for the semester was due today. I did some of it. I don't know how to be a person outside of being a "good student" & I haven't been a good student for many years. I need to find a way to be a great friend to lots of people and/or have a beloved vocation and/or comfortable in the world, I guess. Right now my plan is to not think about it and hope it turns out okay. what if I just get in my car and go? I'll be a dependent worthless baby for a couple more years either way.
stardate may tenth twenty four teen

I Had A Lot Of Caffeine And Felt Weird About My Friends Maybe Not Really Liking me at all

****STARDATE 51014*****
it was raining hard and thundering and i needed a quick rinse-type shower so i tried to go outside in minimal clothes because even i am excitable sometimes. but there were all these fully dressed straight people in the lobby who i guess were loading things into cars to leave early and doing other productive and wholesome things. and then i got outside and it was not just raining but also hailing